Sleep Dentistry Cambridge
Affordable Sleep Dentistry Cambridge
At Cambridge Centre Dental Care, we understand the stress and fear that can accompany a dental visit. For patients who find it difficult to endure treatment, we offer sleep dentistry. From oral sedation to calm your nerves to an anesthetic option that lets you sleep through the entire procedure, you can sit through oral care without any worries. We specialize in helping patients with anxiety face their dental needs with relaxing treatment that caters to their comfort. Our caring staff always puts your comfort at the forefront of every service, and sleep dentistry is an effective way of removing the panic while we work on improving and maintaining your oral health. Visit our dental practice for a truly relaxing experience or call us to find out more about our options. We’re accepting new patients, so now’s a great time to start your routine and restorative care with our caring dentists and friendly staff.

Relaxing Oral Sedation & Sleep Dentistry
You might wonder what oral sedation is. It’s when we give a patient medication that relieves anxiety and reduces discomfort while you’re receiving treatment. Our dental specialists can administer the medication orally, or we can use an intravenous (IV) method to relax you into a dreamy state. Sometimes, we’ll use both oral and IV sedation together. During treatment, you may still be awake, but you don’t care about anything that’s happening, and you won’t remember a thing from it. For sleep dentistry, we have an anesthesiologist come in to administer medication that puts you to sleep for the entire procedure. When you wake up, we will have completed all the necessary work. Any of our options make your dental care a breeze to get through. Fear and anxiety are no longer issues when it comes to keeping your teeth and mouth in excellent condition.
Enjoy the Benefits of Carefree Dental Care
Oral sedation and sleep dentistry can be beneficial for almost any child, teen, or adult patient of Cambridge Centre Dental Care. We find these options especially useful to help people with fear and anxiety regarding dental care. Patients with a history of panic or anxiety issues can easily relax and sit through procedures. Sedation is also a preferred option for people who simply don’t want to be aware of what’s going on during treatment. While you can go home following a procedure, you cannot drive for the remainder of the day. We also require that a responsible adult accompanies you. The sedation medication will wear off pretty quickly, but you might feel unsteady for the next few hours. If oral sedation or sleep dentistry sounds like a good fit for your comfort, give us a call to schedule the dental care you need.